780-372-4074 OPEN Monday to Friday 9AM-4PM Closed Statutory Holidays
If you are needing extra support at home or with your daily routines, we may be able to help. Programming now includes:
We look forward to creating Customized Service plans for every client, tailored to your preferences. Available to anyone living in the Bashaw and Area region.
Cost: $25 / hr flat rate
Mileage is temporarily subsidized (Excludes client transportation for errands, appointments and social outings. Any transportation with an Outreach Worker from your home to the outing destination and return home will be subject to mileage costs of $0.55/km).
We are proud to be a part of local area residents Healthy Aging plan!
This service is available adults- not limited to senior citizens, early hospital discharge patients and those living with chronic or acute illness or disability.
Our Outreach Workers are screened through RCMP and Child & Family Services. Subsidy is available through the Special Needs Assistance for Seniors Program by the Government of Alberta. Click the button below or contact us to learn how to apply.
A door to door service, designated to support Healthy Aging in the Bashaw region.
Who Can Ride?
Set Round Trip Fees:
(up to 3 hour Driver time allocation)
(up to 5 hour Driver time allocation)
(up to 7 hour Driver time allocation)
Healthy Aging Alberta and B.D.S.S. will continue to subsidize "set" Driver time allocation costs.
*Any additional driver hours beyond allocated time are the responsibility of the rider at a cost of $20/hour.*
Each service request is evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
*Riders must meet screening requirements prior to approval of services.
Meals on Wheels is available to all residents in the Town of Bashaw three days a week and is delivered hot, between 11:45 AM and 12:15 PM, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Participants must be in their home at this time to receive their meal. If not, they will still be billed for the uneaten meal.
If you are scheduled to receive a meal, and need to cancel, please contact our office no later than 10:00 AM.
Volunteers help to deliver meals. Contact us if you are interested. All volunteer delivery drivers are screened by the RCMP.
There are many programs that are available to seniors through the government and various organizations, but in this modern world of technology, many seniors find it difficult to navigate. If you, or a senior you know, is not aware of supports or needs help applying for them, please contact us and we will help to the best of our ability.
Generations Daycare is committed to providing a nurturing, inclusive, caring, and safe environment with a cheerful atmosphere. Our energetic and compassionate team of early childcare educators offers programming that encourages and stimulates learning through discovery and play. Childcare is available to children aged 0-6 years.
Please contact us for current fees.
Phone: 780-372-2053
Email: bdssdc@gmail.com
Location: 5020 52nd Avenue
Subsidy assistance is available through Government of Alberta for low-income families. Click the button below for more information or to apply online.
Bashaw & District Preschool's mission is to provide a safe, engaging, and inclusive learning environment that encourages all aspects of development including social, physical, intellectual, creative, emotional and sensory.
Preschool is every Tuesday and Thursday morning, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM, and afternoon, 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM. Following the Battle River School Division bussing policy, the Bashaw & District Preschool will not operate if busses do not run.
Please contact us for current fees.
Phone: 780-372-2053
Email: bdssdc@gmail.com
Location: 5020 52nd Avenue
Art-ventures is a local group for children ages 0-5 years old. We welcome all parents, grandparents and guardians in Bashaw and the surrounding communities. Currently hosted in-person every 1st and 3rd Monday at the Town of Bashaw Library, at 10:00 AM.
Our Family and Community Wellness Coordinator works primarily in the Bashaw School supporting students and families through one-on-one support, Roots of Empathy and the Drama Program.
Roots of Empathy is an international, evidence-based classroom program that has shown significant effect in reducing levels of aggression among schoolchildren by raising social and emotional competence and increasing empathy. The program is designed for children ages 5 to 13. At the heart of the program is a neighborhood infant and parent who visit the classroom throughout the school year. Our coordinator, a trained Roots of Empathy Instructor, coaches students to observe the baby’s development and to label the baby’s feelings. In this experiential learning, the baby is the “Teacher” and a lever, which the instructor uses to help children identify and reflect on their own feelings and the feelings of others. This lays the foundation for safer and more caring classrooms, where children are the “Changers.”
The Jr and Sr High Drama Programs offer students an opportunity to participate in a musical theatre production, not just on stage, but also through backstage roles such as: lighting and sound tech, props, set design, costume design, choreography and directing. By providing a safe space to explore and grow, students are given the chance to be creative, improve emotional intelligence, learn new skills in teamwork and cooperation, build confidence and nurture friendships.
The Tools for School Program provides school supplies to children in our area so they can enter the school year with everything they need to thrive.
Summer at BDSS takes a different shape every year. Led by youth in our community, this program aims to provide summer adventures to all ages. By partnering with Bashaw Adult Learning, Bashaw United Church, Bashaw Youth Drop-in Foundation, Bashaw Historical Society and the Town of Bashaw Library, the summer is filled with all kinds of activities and events. For more information, check out our Facebook page @BashawCRC.
Christmas can be a very stressful and financially detrimental time of year. Partnering with the Bashaw & District Food Bank, this program aims to alleviate some of the burden on families in our community and bring joy back to the season. It helps ensure that local families can enjoy a Christmas meal and that every child has a gift to open on Christmas morning.
To apply for this program, simply come to our office and fill out an application by December 8th. You will need photo ID and proof of address. On December 21st or 22nd, pick up your gifts and Christmas Meal Food Hamper. There is no cost to participate in this program.
To contribute to this program, please come and visit our Santa's Anonymous Tree, which goes up every year after Remembrance Day. Select one or more Christmas Angels off the tree, purchase a gift based on age, gender and ideas provided, then return your unwrapped gift by December 15th. You may also donate financially by cash or cheque made out to Bashaw & District Support Services and receive a charitable donation receipt.
Black & White: $0.25/page
Colour: $0.50/page
Fax Local: Free
Fax Long Distance: $0.50/page