780-372-4074 OPEN Monday to Friday 9AM-4PM Closed Statutory Holidays
Foundational learning refers to the basic skills or competencies adults require to wholly participate in life. By improving one's foundational skills, he/she gains the ability to more fully participate as neighbors and citizens, have satisfying employment and prepare to pursue further education or careers.
Bashaw Adult Learning supports the development of adult literacy in our community. Programming is designed to enable individuals to improve their ability to understand and employ printed information in daily living activities at work, at home and in the community and to obtain high school credentials so they can access higher education and/or better employment opportunities.
Are you thinking about pursuing post-secondary education? Bashaw Adult Learning is here to help you upgrade your high school marks, discuss your many options and prepare you for success in your post-secondary endeavors. If you need resources to complete your courses, a quiet place to study, or assistance managing your course load, please contact Adult Learning to learn about support options available to you. As a recognized invigilation site, Bashaw Adult Learning can also supervise your off-site exams.
Career planning and training is an important step in deciding what opportunities the future holds. Bashaw Adult Leaning supports individuals in the pursuit of their career, whether that is through online programs, weekend courses, resume workshops, or even just talking through career options.
Bashaw Adult Learning aspires to identify issues and/or initiatives in our community and to work in partnership with other community organizations and individuals to discuss, support and implement programming to better meet the needs of our town and its surrounding area.
Community Kitchen is a cooking program where small groups of people come together to prepare meals and take food home to their families. This is a great opportunity to build relationships while learning and sharing together. Meals are budget friendly and every individual contributes by planning, preparing and cooking food. Contact us if you wish to join in or learn more. Follow on Facebook where updates, menus and schedules are shared.
The ESL Program focuses on reading, writing, listening and speaking English, while also learning about Canadian culture. Our friendly and experienced instructor is dedicated to helping you learn this important international language.
All of the programs listed above are offered FREE of charge.
Occasionally, there are courses offered through Bashaw Adult Learning that have an associated cost. If you are interested in one such course but are unable to pay the course fee, please contact Bashaw Adult Learning to discuss possible subsidy options.